We Are Here With New Candle Essences...19.03.2016

We Are Here With New Candle Essences...
The biggest difference of candle essences from other essences is that it spreads its scent while burning.

Candles can transform the environment they are in into a completely different atmosphere with their different types and scents. You can also make your own candle. For this, you can start by choosing the essence and pattern you want.

Candle essences, which are newly added to our site, are on sale in trial packages.

Some points to be considered in the use of candles are listed below;

- Before lighting the candle, it is necessary to cut the wax thread so that it is shortened by a third each time. That is, it should be shortened so that only one-third of the wax thread remains. Cutting the wax thread before use prevents soot from coming out while the candle is burning.

- For candles in jars, in order to prolong the life of the candle and use it in the most efficient way, it must be lit for approximately 2 hours during the first use. The purpose of burning the candle for a long time in the first use is for the wax to melt completely to a depth of about one centimeter. Since the wax that melts all around in this way melts correctly in the first use, it also melts completely in later uses and it is prevented from melting in a way that creates a pit just under the wax thread.

Gulsah Dincer
Soap & Pastry Category Manager
email: gulsah.dincer@hammadler.com

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